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Helena College is an independent, non-religious, Kindergarten to Year 12 school with a broad and welcoming admissions policy.
We know choosing the right school is an important decision and milestone for every family. Our main intake years are Kindergarten, Year 4, and Year 6; however, we invite applications for all year groups* across both our campuses.
Applications for a place at Helena College can be made at any time, no matter what the current age of the child, or what the proposed year of entry may be.
Due to limited places in selected year groups, we encourage you to apply early. If you would like to learn more about Helena College we invite you to take a campus tour or speak with our Enrolments Coordinator on 08 9298 9100 or email
Enrolment Criteria
Enrolments are reviewed on the basis of:
- The reports and information provided by the parents (including medical reports, student’s special education needs, behavioural history);
- The resources the student will require in terms of human resources, financial, material and space;
- Parental commitment to supporting their student’s education program at home and at school;
- Review of transition from Year 5 at Darlington Campus to Year 6 Glen Forrest Campus if student has special education needs; and
- The Principal / Head of Junior School may, in discussion with the student, parents, staff and College Psychologist, enrol a student on a conditional basis in light of the student’s particular situation and/or needs at the time of or during the student’s enrolment.
For further information, see our Enrolment Policy.
*An important note about Year 7 entry
Year 6 is our main intake year at our Glen Forrest Campus and marks the beginning of Middle School (Years 6- 9). Our Year 6 program is a carefully designed to take in the unique needs of our emerging adolescents and provides a gentle introduction to secondary school in a safe and caring environment. You can find out more about this dedicated area, and our approach to a scaffolded transition here - it also includes answers to frequently asked questions.
While applications for Year 7 entry are welcomed, availability of Year 7 places will depend on the number of students with confirmed enrolment commencing in Year 6 in the preceding year. For example, if our Year 6 2025 year group is at capacity, we would be unlikely to be able to offer places for a Year 7 2026 start. We recommend contacting the Enrolments Coordinator to find out about availability for Year 7 entry, or booking a tour of the Senior School to learn more about the Year 6 program.
The Enrolment Pathway
Our online registration process is quick and easy, and can be completed before or after attending a tour of one or both of our campuses.
Complete the online registration form, available here. A non-refundable administration fee of $130 is charged per child and is to be paid at the time of submission. The administration fee is waived for alumni (Old Helenians).
Prior to starting the Registration Form, please ensure you have the following documents (if applicable):
- Copy of child’s birth certificate
- Visa and/or temporary/permanent residency documents and passport (these are required if your child does not have an Australian Birth Certificate)
- Any other relevant information*
Once the registration form has been received, it will be added to our prospective enrolments list. A completed registration form does not guarantee a place. Registrations are reviewed by date of application; however, registered siblings of current students are given priority. We recommend registering siblings as early as possible to avoid disappointment.
Current Availability
Helena College is now inviting expressions of interest for the following year groups:
- Years Kindy, 1, 4, 6 and 7 2025 (limited)
- Year 4 and 5 2026
- Year 8 2026 (limited)
- 2027 and beyond
Important Note on Waitlists
Please note that enrolments for selected year groups are at capacity and all new applications for these cohorts will automatically be added to the existing waitlist. Waitlists are currently in place for the following year groups:
- 2025: Pre-primary, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 5
- 2026: Year 6 and Year 7
While joining a waitlist may not be your preferred option, please know that we welcome all applications. If you have any questions about waitlists for future enrolment, please email our Enrolment Coordinator at for more information.
Prior to being contacted to arrange for the enrolment meeting, our Enrolments Coordinator will send a Student Information Questionnaire to the parents of the prospective student. The questionnaire gives parents the opportunity to update their key contact information, and most importantly, provide the College with additional information about their child. This includes providing us with their most recent school reports, NAPLAN reports, immunisation history and any updates on physical or health condition that the College would need to be aware of to ensure the child is able to fully participate in school programs.
Families are offered pre-enrolment meetings in order of registration date, with registered siblings of students already enrolled at the College given priority. Completed registration forms must be received for siblings as soon as practical. We will contact you about the availability of a place and a pre-enrolment interview in the year prior to your child’s proposed commencement.
In the case of Year 6, a pre-enrolment meeting will take place up to two years in advance.
If there are no places available in your preferred year of entry, you will remain on our enrolments list, and we will contact you as opportunities arise.
Please consider the pre-enrolment meeting your opportunity to share information with us, and ask questions that are specific to your child. Tours are general in nature, so the pre-enrolment meetings are ideal for focusing on your child and their individual needs.
Following the meeting, an offer of a place may be made. All offers are made at the discretion of the Principal.
If you decide to accept the offer of a place for your child, a non-refundable fee is payable per child to confirm the child's enrolment at Helena College. This fee is not off-set against the first fee account. From January 2025, our pre-enrolment fees are as follows:
- Kindy to Year 9: $995
- Years 10 to 11: $425
- Year 12: $275
This is all done online, and will also provide you with the opportunity to update your contact details should they have changed since your application was submitted. Once the forms have been completed, and the payment made, your child's place at the College will be confirmed.
We understand that moving to a new school can be both exciting and a little daunting. To further assist in the transition to Helena College, Orientation Days and Parent Information Evenings are held for incoming students and their families.
In some instances, trial days may be offered to assist in the ransition to the College. These are primarily offered for Senior School students, and are arranged on a case by case basis.
Should your child commence part-way through the year, or outside of the usual intake points, we will work with you and your child to make the transition as smooth as possible. This may, for example, include ensuring your child has an allocated buddy to help make them welcome and settle into the Helena College routine.
Sibling Enrolments
We cannot offer siblings of enrolled students a priority placement if we do not have a completed registration form on file for them. We strongly advise that registration forms for siblings are completed as soon as practical after the enrolled sibling has commenced at the school.
Looking for more information?
If you are not ready to register, we encourage you to book a tour of our campuses. Our Junior School (K-5) is located in Darlington and our Senior School (Y6-12) is in Glen Forrest. Alternatively, if you have a general question regarding enrolment, please let us know by clicking on the 'General Enquiry' button below. We would also welcome a call during office hours. You can reach our Enrolments Coordinator on (08) 9298 9100 or email
Bus Services
Did you know that Helena College offers bus services to six areas? We offer easy transport options in the following zones: Bassendean/Midland, Bickley/Lesmurdie, Darlington/Helena Valley, Mt Helena/Chidlow, Today/Gidgegannup and York.